To “hear” means to “learn and be informed”.
To “harden” means
to MAKE hard,
to MAKE unyielding,
to MAKE unfeeling...
it also means to MAKE injured and toughened...
When we injure our bodies, they immediately go to work repairing the damage.
It's first move is protection mode...
rerouting our bodies defenses to the area of hurt and damage because a healthy body will begin to defend itself against attack.
Just like what we do with our hearts...
Our hearts get wounded and the first thing we do is guard and defend them.
And how do we defend our wounded hearts?
We toughen them up.
A tough heart is an unhealed heart that has scabbed over.
How did this happen?
How did this happen?
Tough wounding memories have attached themselves to the heart .
The once tender heart ends up being calloused and scarred.
Isolated from further contact.
It hurts with each and every beat of the heart.
Each and every moment of hope,
or love,
or acceptance that our heart experiences is soon put down.
Because of painful memories...
A painful past can result in a painful present.
What does God have to say about our heart?
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?
What does this mean?
It means that if YOUR heart can lie to you, it will.
It means that...
YOUR heart could be lying to you.
YOUR heart could be deceiving you.
God hasn't lied to you.
God hasn't deceived you.
God hasn't broken His promises to you..
Your heart was hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
You start to believe a lying heart, and you will build up all of your defenses based on a lie.
Such as...
Jesus loves you... that's a lie.
Jesus can heal you... that's a lie.
You can trust Jesus... that's a lie.
You can trust Jesus... that's a lie.
Jesus cares about you... that's a lie.
Jesus wants to heal you... that's a lie.
You can rest assured in knowing that there is one thing that a lie will never tell you... THE TRUTH.
Then you do agree with Jeremiah 17:9?
The heart is more deceitful than all else
And is desperately sick;
Who can understand it?
Think about it...
Do these words condemn you?
Do these words bring hopelessness and frustration to you?
Do these words tell you to give up?
If they do, then your heart is wounded and it is lying to you.
The response that this verse should bring is the knowledge that you cannot fix your own broken heart.
Your heart is broken in pieces and I am telling you that you and your heart have no idea about how to put the pieces back together again...
Only God can heal your heart.
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