Belonging to a particular individual or group and to no other;
not shared:
Is Christianity exclusive?
John 3:36 reads...
He who
believes in the
think to be true, to be persuaded of, to place confidence in,
commit your trust to)
eternal life;
to cease, everlasting, that which has always been and always will be)
NASB but he
who does not obey/KJV not believe the Son
to refuse belief and obedience-does not comply.
NIV uses “rejects”)
NIV uses “rejects”)
will not
see life,
(vitality, animate-boldness and
the absolute fullness of life, both essential and
ethical, which belongs to God.)
but the
wrath of God
exhibited in punishment)
abides on him.
remain and wait for)
That was Jesus
Jesus didn’t
say that if you don’t believe in Him then God is going to stand by and wait until you change your mind.
Jesus did
say that if you reject Him as the Savior, not only will you be excluded
from eternal life with God, you will also have to deal with God’s wrath…
Think about
This is
more than just an idle threat.
This is
more than just getting a spanking.
This is
more than just getting yelled at or talked down to.
This is
a promise that if you reject Jesus, then you will face Gods wrath.
a slight problem.
When was the last time you felt God’s wrath?
was the last time that you saw God’s wrath?
was the last time you heard of God’s wrath?
When was the last time you even thought of Gods wrath?
How do
you tell someone about Gods wrath when you have never experienced it, nor will
you as a believer, ever experience Gods wrath yourself?
How do
you teach someone about God’s wrath when you never hear teachings about Gods wrath?
How do
you demonstrate a part of God that most modern day Christians deny even exists?
How do
you treasure a characteristic of Almighty God (His wrath) when the whole world, except
for the Muslims, sees wrath, not as justice, but as an evil, undesirable, lower level personality
about it.
If you
are a fundamentalist Christian, you believe in the biblical account of Noah,
the world wide flood and the Ark.
thing is that flooding the world is not something that God did in wrath.
flood demonstrates Gods judgment and Gods power over nature, but it does not
demonstrate Gods wrath…
Genesis 6:5 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on
the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil
6 The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and
He was grieved in His heart.
(the Lord repented and was injured and affronted in His heart)
(the Lord repented and was injured and affronted in His heart)
7 The LORD said, I will blot out man whom I have created
from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds
of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.
(for I am pained and will be comforted by an action)
(for I am pained and will be comforted by an action)
8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.
(FAVOR: Grace and acceptance)
(FAVOR: Grace and acceptance)
What is God’s wrath?
God’s wrath
and violent emotion.
This is
bad enough but this wrath is promised punishment for not accepting Gods free gift of salvation.
Look at
the verse…
John 3:36
but the
wrath of God (anger
exhibited in punishment)
abides on him. (to remain and wait for)
abides on him. (to remain and wait for)
Let me
emphasize that God’s wrath already abides with those who reject Jesus
as Savior.
This is
a far more serious thing than wearing the scarlet letter!
Abide is to
remain and to wait for, to continue to be present.
wrath of God abides on him” means that Gods wrath is already present with those who reject Jesus…
you can take that scarlet letter off and move to a place where no one knows you
or your past.
with God, you are either already marked with the Holy Spirit unto salvation, or
you are already marked with Gods impending wrath.
difference between them is Gods mark never fades nor fails.
Most of all, Gods mark is never forgotten.
You are
owed something.
or Hell.
And that’s a promise.